Greetings from the Coastal Bend of Texas! This geographical designation covers the broad, curving sweep of Texas lowland along the southeast coast. More than seven million people inhabit Galveston, Beaumont, Brownsville, Houston and other semi-tropical cities of the region. It was first discovered in 2003 – by us, anyway! That was when our year-long USA circle trip in Herb-the-VW-bus first landed us in Corpus Christi and we have made several return visits since then. The drawbacks of high humidity, constant breezes and the occasional hurricane threat are offset by sandy barrier islands, scenic waterways, moderate winter temperatures, swaths of green grass and abundant sea birds. We take advantage of the added bonus of a waterfront RV park on Corpus Christi Naval Air Station. We hope you enjoy our notes from another place that has become a home away from home for us.
Wish You Were Here
Spring break came early for us this year as we visited the holiday mecca of Port Aransas, Texas on a sunny Thursday. The temperature hovered in the mid 70s and even the customary winds took the day off. Port Aransas, known as Tarpon from 1896 until 1910 (and Ropesville for a few years before that) perches at the northernmost tip of Mustang Island, one of the chain of thin barrier islands separating the Texas mainland from the Gulf of Mexico. Once a humble fishing village, Port Aransas has evolved into a fully functioning small, beachy town with serious resort vacation overtones. The combination of locals, relocated retirees, youthful spring break partiers and “winter Texans” like ourselves have shaped a town that boasts a library, a sport fishing harbor, a museum, a golf course, an abundance of hotels and restaurants, a marine science institute, a small airport, spreading condo villages, golf car rentals, and shops for tee shirts, reef sandals, bikinis, tattoos, shell-shaped dishware, sun hats, abalone jewelry and handmade pottery. Soon the college kids on spring break will descend in full force, as evidenced by the surf shop we visited that was busily stocking its shelves with shot glasses and beer mugs. Whether you are seeking an active vacation of fishing and surfing or a peaceful interlude of bird watching and beachcombing, Port Aransas has got you covered.
Life On The Road
Most of our fellow travelers have the time and inclination to pursue some type of sport or recreational activity while on the road. “Move it or lose it,” is the mantra of many RVing friends. Some carry elaborate plywood washer-toss games, others prefer golf, cycling or the ever-popular dog walking. We have stumbled across a sport that meets our criteria for a great nomadic pastime – fun, cheap and portable. Welcome to disc golf! If you are not familiar with the sport, imagine flinging a Frisbee into a low basketball hoop. The target is usually a horizontal metal ring on a pole with dangling chains that catch the disc and drop it into a wire basket. Discs tend to be flatter and harder than Frisbees and are designed with specific aerodynamic properties that classify them as “distance driver,” “fairway driver,” “mid-range,” “putter,” and more. Courses usually have 9 or 18 baskets spread around a park-like setting. They are generally free of charge to use and might be more widespread than you think; we have certainly been surprised at the number of courses we have been able to find, including one right on an Air Force base in Del Rio, Texas. We know from experience that you do not have to be a good player to enjoy disc golf. It’s mostly an excuse for a walk in a park, with the added bonus of many comical moments to laugh about later.
Coffee Chat
As glamorous as our lifestyle may appear, there can be drawbacks. Being sick away from family and friends is an isolating feeling and one that we experienced in Tucson. However, a friend who was also on the road provided a huge morale boost in the form of a pot of darling little daffodils. This caring gesture was so appreciated that when we got to Corpus Christi and learned that a lady in the neighboring RV was undergoing an unexpected medical procedure, we made a point of giving her a bouquet of pink alstroemeria blossoms. She was so touched and grateful that she told us she would pass this thoughtful act along to someone else in the future. May this small thread of kindness weave itself into many lives.
Did You Know?
Of the more than 215 bird species found along the Coastal Bend, the frisky, black-headed Laughing Gulls are among the most common and vocal. With their strident call of “HA-ha, HA-ha” it sounds like they are engaging in the old swimming pool game of “Marco! Polo!” This inspired lines in poem you will read below.
1% For Art
Leisure time in a tropical setting can inspire one to attempt artistic pursuits. During a previous visit to Corpus, I (Andi) read an article about a style of poetry called a pantoum, and being an enthusiastic amateur writer of poems, short stories and song lyrics (not to mention blog entries), I decided to try my hand at one. (You may also know I later set my pantoum to music, using the same pattern for the chords that is required for the words.) Pantoums are Malaysian in origin and contain a highly structured set of four-line verses. Lines from previous verses must be incorporated into the next verse in a specific manner. The second and fourth lines of one verse become the first and third lines of the following verse. This pattern continues until the final verse. This last one not only has its first and third lines dictated by the previous verse, but the second line of the last verse must be the same as the third line of the first verse, and to end the whole poem you have to use the very first line for the final line. As you might imagine, the trick is getting any type of meaning and congruity while staying true to the pattern. Here is my stab at it, and I called it simply…
The laughing gulls play Marco Polo on the beach
I wonder what the joke is
It seems an ordinary coastal day
Palm trees sway and pelicans glide
I wonder what the joke is
Could a special magic touch this place where
Palm trees sway and pelicans glide
I think I’m starting to understand why
Could a special magic touch this place where
It seems an ordinary coastal day
I think I’m starting to understand why
The laughing gulls play Marco Polo on the beach