About Us

Meet the BusRoads Team

Andrea Matthews and Brian Rockholt are a married couple who have shared years of travel and music making. Each received musical training from universities in the western United States and went on to careers in music-related fields before hitting the road together in 2002 with their yellow 1974 VW bus named Herb. That first 13-month US tour included time in the Four Corners region of the American Southwest, where Andrea translated her skill on the classical silver flute to Native American flute and Brian developed a talent for drums, rattles, and a wide array of percussive instruments. This led to subsequent travels that revolved around concert performances on Native American flute and percussion. After years of road life and hundreds of performances, they chose to put down roots in Southern Oregon, buying a house a few miles from Andrea’s original hometown of Ashland. They continue to enjoy traveling, and music occupies an important role in their lives as they carry on composing and playing various instruments under the name of Wayside View.

Wayside View

Wayside View is the latest musical collaboration of Andrea Matthews and Brian Rockholt, a well-traveled pair of troubadours who call Oregon’s Rogue Valley home. Evolving from a background of classical performance as well as ethnic instruments, they now specialize as a vocal duo with acoustic-electric guitar and bass. Their breezy blend of styles includes trop rock, country pop and classic light rock, plus an eclectic assortment of catchy originals. For a sample of their musical offerings, check out their three-minute YouTube demo.

As we develop our Wayside View website, we would like to keep you up-to-date with our music, videos, and social pages. Please visit our social media links in the sidebar to learn more. You can also contact us by email at: WaysideView@gmail.com

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